Basics for Improving Male Fertility.
Which steps you take to support and improve your reproductive health will vary according to where you are in terms of your journey and if you have the results of a semen analysis.
Just Starting Your Journey
on your conception journey you will first want to consider:
You can click each item listed to read a detailed explanation of how to assess your current situation and the steps you may need to take. Alternatively, you can watch this video where I will take you through the basics of male infertility and the initial steps.
If you have a copy of a semen analysis the following videos will take you through how to understand your results and the specific changes you can implement.
Ideal Results of a Semen Analysis
Ejaculate Volume >3.7ml
Sperm concentration >73mil/ml
Motility >61%
Progressive Motility >55%
Morphology >15%
DNA fragmentation <15%
Anti Sperm antibodies negative
Male Fertility FAQ
When and how do I get a semen analysis?
I have pain in my testicles sometimes is that an issue?
I had mumps as a child, could that affet my fertility?
I am on medication is that a problem?
What is a varicoceal?
I have fathered children previously or had children in a previous relationship so I'm not the issue right?
If your semen analysis is "normal" and you are leading a healthy lifestyle then the list below applies to you.
Basic Male Fertility supporting supplementation:
A good Quality Multivitamin containing:​
500mcg folate & B12
50mg B3
100mcg selenium
25mg zinc
3-6mg carotenoids
Omega 3 fats (minimum 500mg DHA)
Vitamin C (minimum 1000mg/day)
If your semen analysis results fall outside of the following ranges then you may need some more targeted supplementation in addition to reviewing your diet and lifestyle. I would always recommend working with a functional nutritionist who is able to test and review your nutritional status rather than taking large amounts of supplements you may not need. The information below is intended as a guide so you can learn more about which nutrients may be important for you.
morphology results are less than 7% normal forms:
If your sperm count is less than 140 million per ml
Important nutrients for sperm count:
vitamin C up to 2g daily
Higher dose vitamin D if blood test show less than desirable levels
Zinc up to 50mg daily
NAC 1500mg/day
Important nutrients for motility:
Vitamin C up to 4g daily
Vitamin E 1000iu/day
Higher dose vitamin D if blood test show less than desirable levels
Co Q10 up to 300mg daily
Selenium 150mg daily
L-Carnitine 3g/day
NAC 1500mg/day
Myo-inositol 2g/day (if you have signs of metabolic disease eg. High blood pressure, type II diabetes and Obesity)
Resveratrol 300mg/day
Important nutrients for morphology:
Folate up to 500 mcg/day
B12 up to 500 mcg/day
Co Q10 up to 300mg daily
Lipoic acid 800mg/daily
Selenium 150mg daily
Omega 3 (DHA) > 500mg daily
NAC 1500mg/day
Resveratrol 300mg/day
High DNA fragmentation:
Folate up to 500 mcg/day
B12 up to 500 mcg/day
Co Q10 up to 300mg daily
Lipoic acid up to 800mg/daily
Selenium up to 400mg/daily
NAC 1500mg/day
Myo-inositol 2g/day (if you have signs of metabolic disease eg. High blood pressure, type II diabetes and Obesity)
Resveratrol 300mg/day
Complex Issues in Male Fertility.
If you have a diagnosed issue beyond the semen analysis there are options available that can assist in potentially rectifying the situation or improving it enough for natural conception to occur. It could be that you are waiting for a referral for treatment and some of the changes listed will either help with natural conception or improve your chances of conception post-treatment. Again I can't emphasise enough the importance of working with a functional nutritionist where possible so appropriate assessment of your hormones and nutritional status can be assessed and monitored.
Quercitin 400-800mg daily
Errectile dysfunction:
L-Arginine 2800mg/day